
On Holiday With a Pet

When we go to a carefree holiday, we want to make sure that our pet will be adequately taken care of there. Will it be welcome at the camp? Will it have enough shade, and space in the area for free running and a morning walk? Will it be able to follow us to the beach and soak with us in the sea? Can we refresh it with a cold shower? Will we all enjoy a peaceful vacation we had looked forward to so much?

Vacationing in mobile houses can be the right solution for emerging doubts. They offer comfort and homeliness in a place you choose yourself. That's why a pet can feel at home faster in them.

Mobile houses are usually located predominantly in the shadow, and they also have their own covered terrace, which provides for a pleasant stay of your four-legged friends in the hot days. 

The houses have their own garden and are located apart enough to allow the dogs space for unobstructed movement and exploration. For pleasant morning or evening walks, there are walking paths located near the mobile houses Adria Holidays.

Pets are important family members, so the concern for their well-being on vacation is also of great importance to us. Because we want you to spend your vacation with your four-legged friends in mobile houses as comfortably as possible, we offer you a list of campsites where pets are especially welcome.

For their well-being, you can find showers in the camps intended for four-legged pets, and beaches where they can cool down.

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